United Arab Emirates Political System

See ABBREVIATIONFINDER for how AE can stand for United Arab Emirates.

Where is United Arab Emirates

According to Countryaah.com, with capital city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates is a country located in Western Asia with total population of 9,890,413.

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, Emirate (Principality) of the Persian Gulf, the largest of the seven United Arab Emirates; 67,350 km2, 2.12 million residents (2011). The city of Abu Dhabi and the emirate have undergone rapid development since the oil discovery in the 1950’s; from being a community of pearl fishermen and Bedouins, it has become one of the most modern societies in the Arab world. It is governed exclusively by emir Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (b. 1948), but only a minority of the population are his subjects; 80% are foreigners who perform most of the tasks in the country. They come mainly from India and Pakistan, but also from Iran, Egypt, Europe, USA and Japan. The standard of living is very high, especially among the country’s own citizens and the experts called. The school and health services are well developed, as is the infrastructure. Agriculture and industry are under construction. Abu Dhabi has approximately 9% of the world’s oil reserves (92.6% of the total oil in the United Arab Emirates), and enough for more than 100 years of production at 2003 level.

Oil exports contribute a quarter of the balance of payments, and the second largest source of revenue is returns on the investments made by the emirate in Europe and America. In 1996, in an effort to diversify the country’s revenue base, the construction of a free trade area on Saadiat, an island not far from Abu Dhabi city, began. The inspiration for this came from the success of neighboring Dubai Dubai with free trade zones.

The climate is extremely hot and rainy; the country’s very large energy consumption is used ia. for air conditioning and freshwater supply (desalination of seawater).

The emirate was in 2000-tfKr. part of ancient Magan, whose trade extended from Mesopotamia to Indus. In particular, copper was shipped from the Oman Mountains. The island of Umm an-Nar was the port and trading place. Here and in the oasis al-Buraymi, in 1958 Danish archaeologists began exploring a culture that spread throughout the Oman Peninsula. Stone-built communal tombs, clay and stone houses and towers, oasis use, copper and painted pottery characterize the Umm an-Nar culture.