Tajikistan Political System

According to Countryaah.com, with capital city of Dushanbe, Tajikistan is a country located in Central Asia with total population of 9,537,656.

Where is Tajikistan

Following the 1994 Constitution, amended in 2003, Tajikistan is a unified state, presidential and democratic republic. The head of state, the president, is elected in the general election for five years. He leads the executive, appoints the prime minister, government and key officials and is a military commander. Legislative power has been added to the National Assembly, which has two chambers. The House of Representatives (Majlis-Namojandagon) has 63 members elected in direct elections for five years. The Upper House (Majlis-Millij) has 33 members; 25 elected and eight appointed by the president. In addition, former presidents have seats in the upper house. The board is unstable; the country has been marked by great contradictions, partly civil war, and the central government does not have effective control over the country. See a2zcamerablog.com for Tajikistan tour plan.


Administratively, the country of Tajikistan is divided into three regions (oblasts) and the metropolitan area. See ABBREVIATIONFINDER for how TJ can stand for Tajikistan. In addition comes the autonomous region of Gorno-Badakhshan. The regions are divided into districts and cities.


The judiciary includes the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Economic Court, the Military Court, the Gorno-Badakhshan Court, regional courts, a capital of the capital as well as local courts. Supreme Court judges are appointed by the president.