Morocco Political System

According to, with capital city of Rabat, Morocco is a country located in Northern Africa with total population of 36,910,571.

Where is Morocco

Following the constitution of 1992, with amendments 1996, Morocco is a unified state monarchy. The Constitution calls it a “constitutional, democratic and social monarchy”; it also states that the state is based on Islam. In the new constitution, some authority has been transferred to elected bodies, but the king is still the real head of state. The king appoints and dismisses the prime minister and other ministers and heads the government’s meetings. He sanctions legislative acts and can initiate amendments to the Constitution; he can also dissolve the House of Representatives and submit bills to the referendum. He is also a military commander, heads a number of state councils and appoints the top officials.

Legislative authority has been added to a parliament with two chambers. The lower house is a representative chamber (Majlis al-Nuwab) with 325 members, elected in the general election for five years. Thirty of the seats are reserved for women. The Chamber may set aside the government collectively by adopting a motion of no confidence or by denying the vote of confidence. There is also a Senate (Majlis al-Mustasharin) of 270 members, indirectly elected from the regions and organizations at work. The election period is nine years, one third is replaced every three years. See for Morocco travel guide.

The conflict over Western Sahara control is the most important destabilizing factor in the country, and it has also made Morocco internationally isolated. Domestic policy is characterized by several parties.


Administratively, the country is divided into 16 regions, three of which include all or part of Western Sahara. The regions are again divided into municipalities. Although elected councils at the various levels, the real power of royal appointed officials, lies in the provinces of governors. See ABBREVIATIONFINDER for how MO can stand for Morocco.


The judiciary is based on French, Spanish and Islamic law. The Supreme Court is the Supreme Court. There are also 15 appeals courts, first instance courts, regional courts and labor courts. There is also a High Court of Justice consisting of chamber representatives and a royal appointed president, who adjudicate on matters pertaining to the office of members of the executive power. There is a Supreme Judicial Council, headed by the King, who oversees the judiciary and nominates candidates for judiciary. Judges are appointed by the king.

Heads of State in Morocco

List of kings in Morocco since independence in 1956.

Reign Name
1956-1961 Muhammad 5
1961-1999 Hassan 2
1999- Muhammad 6