Dominica Political System

According to, with capital city of Roseau, Dominica is a country located in North America with total population of 71,997.

Where is Dominica

Following the Constitution of 1978 (when the country became independent), Dominica is a unified state and parliamentary-democratic republic. The president is the formal head of state. He is elected by the National Assembly – the House of Assembly – for a term of five years. The president appoints the real head of state, the prime minister, who resigns from the majority party in the assembly house. The Prime Minister and Government are responsible to the Assembly House, which has 30 members, 21 representatives elected in the general election and 9 senators. The senators are elected by the president on the suggestion of government (five) and opposition leader (four). The Assembly House is elected for five years. The voting age is 18 years. Politics has been dominated by a right-wing Freedom Party and two Labor parties. Politics is also characterized by some social and economic tensions, and by personal rivalry.

Dominica is a member of the Caribbean Community and Common Market. See ABBREVIATIONFINDER for how DM can stand for Dominica. It also has close communion with the other neighboring states of the Windward Group (Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines).


Administratively, Dominica is divided into 10 parishes. In the capital and in an area populated by Indians (Carib territory) there is limited local autonomy.


The Supreme Court is the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in Saint Lucia, with an appeal and a higher court. One of the judges has a seat in Dominica and heads a summary jurisdiction court there. There are also magistrate dishes.

Dominica’s defense

Dominica has no regular military forces. The army disbanded in 1981. Dominica has a police force, which also includes a coastguard, and is trained and equipped by the United States.